Left Behind Wiki

Enoch Litwala was the replacement for Bindura Rehoboth as subpotentate of the United African States in the Left Behind series. After he was appointed to subpotentate, he impressed Supreme Commander of the Global Community Leon Fortunato due to his detestation of the leader of the Enigma Babylon One World Faith Peter Mathews and his ambition to eliminate him literally. Litwala said, "By eliminated, Supreme Commander, I mean eliminated." In addition, he wanted other subpotentates to be in on the plot to murder Mathews during the Global Gala. Nicolae Carpathia revealed in a conversation with Fortunato that he hypnotized Litwala on the phone and implanted in Litwala's mind the entire plan to murder Mathews. Even though Carpathia hypnotized Litwala to be "unswaveringly loyal" to him, Litwala was ultimately disloyal to Carpathia. Carpathia even told Fortunato the detailed plan in advance, which involved killing him with sharp feathers from an ice sculpture and then burning the body of Mathews under the pretext that he had a contagious disease that causes profuse bleeding from his mucous membranes.

Even though Carpathia took credit for hypnotizing Litwala, Tsion Ben-Judah said (to Rayford Steele) that it is God who put the desire and plan to murder Mathews in the subpotentates (Revelation 17:17) and that they would be of one purpose and mind to eliminate Mathews (Revelation 17:13). That is despite the subpotentates being described by Tsion Ben-Judah as egomaniacs who agree upon very little, not even loyalty to Carpathia, as evidenced by three dissident subpotentates who opposed Carpathia.

During Carpathia's memorial service after his assassination, he delivered a flat and terse eulogy consisting of a lukewarm condemnation of the violent act and a perfunctory expression of his condolences, while the other loyal subpotentates were more enthralling in their tributes to the memory of Carpathia. His reign as subpotentate was short-lived, as he was incinerated when Leon Fortunato called down fire from heaven to kill the three disloyal subpotentates at Carpathia's memorial service in New Babylon.

Litwala's responsibility for the conspiracy against Mathews[]

Litwala's conspiracy can be used to illustrate the Ash'arite doctrine of kasb, literally meaning "acquisition", which times to reconcile the free will of God's creation with occasionalist causation. God creates the power and desire for a created agent to act (see Philippians 2:13), and the created agent merely "acquires" the action by consenting or having an intention to perform the action, but the created agent does not have causal efficacy with regard to the performance of the act, since under an occasionalist regime all casual efficacy is reserved for God. In this sense, a created agent can have "power" if their will corresponds to the execution of an action (such as an editor making this edit by moving her fingers on a keyboard and making the edit she intended), but this correspondence of one's will with an outcome is due to coincidence as the true efficacious power is God's will. In the case of Litwala, he really does think the conspiracy to murder Peter Mathews is of his own design and he does voluntarily perform the action, but he does not realize that he performed the murder to fulfill the will of God. Hence, Litwala has acquired the action of killing Mathews by intending it with his own volition.
