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Dr. Neal Damosa is the head of the Global Community satellite school education department who was handpicked for the position by Nicolae Carpathia for the United North American States. In the dramatic audio presentation, he is a supporting antagonist in volume 5.

After Nicolae Carpathia's resurrection, Dr. Neal Damosa said that the satellite school program would resume and he encouraged the youth to produce songs, stories, artwork, and poems in honor of Carpathia's resurrection which would be posted on a website.

In Escape to Masada, Dr. Neal Damosa scheduled rallies around the world where young people can watch a Z-Van concert celebrating the lifting of the plague of the boils and then take the mark of loyalty. This "celebration" would occur when people are dying from the oceans turning to blood. Dr. Damosa was present as an announcer, taking the stage, at that concert in Jerusalem. The excited audience thought Nicolae Carpathia would personally appear at the concert. Dr. Neal Damosa urged those without the mark of loyalty to take it. As he introduced Z-Van, Dr. Damosa put on a pair of dark sunglasses and that elicited cheers from the crowd.

Dr. Neal Damosa has a temper when he is not speaking in public. When a mural of New Babylon almost fell on him, he cursed and yelled at the technical crew saying that they would all be fired if that happens again. He resonates with the youth who regarded him as cool. Dr. Neal Damosa is charismatic while on camera. Conrad Graham remarked that he is almost as good as Nicolae Carpathia.

In the Dramatic Audio presentation, Dr. Neal Damosa had an antagonistic relationship with Z-Van and expressed disdain towards The Four Horsemen's music. While Z-Van being the first civilian receiving the mark of loyalty, Dr. Neal Damosa was filming him for a documentary, where in the books, Lars Rahlmost was filming. He had such contempt for Z-Van that he does not want someone to use photograph where he was with Z-Van, saying that he would sue that person back to the stone age if he uses that photo.

In the dramatic audio presentation, Damosa personally confronted Carl Meninger and threatened his life when Vicki Byrne interrupted the meeting of the Global Community Satellite Schools.
